Problems cost money. The sooner an organization can anticipate and resolve a potential problem or error, the less it will ultimately cost. Fortunately, there are effective tools for hazard analysis and risk management for precisely this task.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a powerful engineering tool for preventing problems relating to quality, reliability and safety. When applied consistently and comprehensively, FMEA can reduce or eliminate the costs of failures and other errors.
As part of a quality management system (QMS), the FMEA process can be used to document current knowledge about the risks and consequences of failures, which can be used in continuous improvement activities. This allows quality managers to spend their time on high value activities, rather than laboring over manual processes that provide limited actionable information.
In this new Intelex video, “Effectively Mitigate Risk with Intelex’s FMEA Software” we walk you through how you can effectively leverage Intelex’s FMEA software to mitigate risk and gain visibility into your organization specifically by:
- Streamlining data collection, risk assessment and reporting across sites and facilities
- Eliminating duplicate data, improving sharing and communication, and dramatically reducing study time
- Reducing costs through improved risk management processes, including more effective identification of (and response to) failure modes
- Streamlining quality management processes that incorporate risk considerations
- Providing real-time access to corporate quality performance metrics
- Creating control plans and control plan templates to document the process control strategies that will ensure requirements are met.