7 Key Guidelines for Employers
Understanding just what workplace injury and illness information must be reported to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has become a confusing and frustrating exercise for many employers.
The confusion began with what is now known as the Electronic Recordkeeping Rule, published in May 2016, and was further heightened when a proposed rule published in July 2018 aimed to simplify the requirements and limit the scope of the rule. Earlier deadlines were shifted, and many organizations were unclear on what exactly was required for submission, and by what date.
This Insight Report aims to clarify what employers need to know in order to comply with the updated rule. In this report you will receive:
- A clear recap of what changes have been introduced
- A complete overview of the changing requirements
- Seven key guidelines for employers to follow to help ensure they are handling the process correctly
Download your FREE copy today!