10 Incremental Ideas to Take Your Safety Culture to the Next Level
Safety managers often feel stuck between meeting rigid compliance requirements and fostering a safety culture that employees genuinely embrace.
Balancing these priorities requires more than checklists and policies. It demands a shift in mindset and approach, starting from the top.
True safety culture begins with leadership.
It’s rooted in shared beliefs, values and perceptions about risk across the organization.
When management prioritizes safety, accountability increases and employees are inspired to align with those values.
Join Scott Gaddis as he shares his experience leading organizations for 30+ years.
He’ll share his experiences striking the right balance between compliance and culture.
Scott has successfully guided safety and health teams, operational leaders and senior management in building accountability for safety processes and creating a shared passion for success.
In this session, you’ll learn how to:
- Develop guiding safety and health principles that support both compliance and cultural growth.
- Identify and control process errors to enhance safety outcomes.
- Leverage safety management systems to bridge the gap between requirements and engagement.
- Introduce incremental, practical ideas to continuously improve your safety program.
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