Companies that are standouts in their industries are at the forefront of quality and sustainability efforts, creating an alliance between technology, innovation, and operational excellence. Occupational safety and health (OHS) professionals working in organizations are integral to sustainability and operational excellence.
Kathy Seabrook is a futurist in the world of workplace health, safety, and environmental management. She shares her perspective that sustainability is a business approach to creating long-term value by taking into consideration how a given organization operates in the ecological, social, and economic environment. Rob Polito, ACTS Sales Manager at Intelex, discusses how sustainability management systems can help organizations achieve their operational, EHS, and quality goals.
Together, Kathy and Rob examine sustainability by:
- Discussing the ‘Why’ for your CEO, you, and the safety and health profession.
- Defining sustainability – ESG, CSR, and a “triple-bottom line” approach.
- Discussing recognized standards used to report on OHS sustainability.
- Exploring the need for reliable, consistent, and relevant safety and health metrics for return on sustainability efforts.
- Presenting current work on leading metrics for OHS – sustainability, and how they support integrating OHS, sustainability and operational excellence.